I'm beyond pleased that you have enjoyed my ART MEDITATION session at @artspaceq8 💜 It was a beautiful experience for myself as well! Looking forward to seeing more of you in future sessions... Hopefully using different colors 🙄😜🍆 #Repost @junatakialawadhi ・・・ خذيت لولو اليوم وجربنا ورشة يوغا و آرت في آرت سبيس. التجربة كانت وناسة! اول شي الي مو شايف آرت سبيس، اول شي غلطاااان، ثاني شي طايفة وايد! احب الشراحة واحب اللون الابيض احس المكان معنى كلمه نور فتخيلوا بس الاحساس! وال art meditation! DUDE! فيّ بدعت! ناطرة الورشة الياية بس عشان اترس ايدي الوان 🐼 بس لاحظوا الواني دايما نفس الالوان دايما دايما دايما 😂 اصلا فيّ سيدا ماضيعت وقت جونا هاج الوانج 😂 المهم قلت اونسكم معاي قبل لاتنامون تصبحون على خير 🐼 So, today Lolo & I went to Artspace's Yoga & Art workshop, it was nothing less than AMAZING! You guys know that I love how bright and open Artspace is, it is so bright and alive! My favorite part was the art meditation with Fay! DUDE! She owned it! It was so much fun! And liberating! I am so going to their next one! Please notice my colors, I did not even have to look for them Fay, the sweetest, was like here Juna these are your colors 😂 I always, ALWAYS, go for the same colors don't know why 😂 Anyways, thought of sharing my experience and I know you guys enjoy my random stories so yea enjoy your very random bed time story 🐼 good night peeps 🐼 #junascreation #artmeditation #artspace #artistatheart #artspirituality #artsyjuna #junascolors #fedbyjm #paintingmeditation #artsoul
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